Experienced, Accurate, & Focused
At Fabricon, our technical staff provides solutions to meet the most demanding client specifications and ASME Section VIII Division 1 and Division 2 Code requirements. We have a fully staffed, in-house engineering and drafting department including a Professional Engineer on site. We are well experienced in mechanical design of Code and non Code vessel configurations.
Design Capabilities
- ASME Code calculations in accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. 1 & Div. 2
- Local stress analysis of shells under external loads using WRC107 & Nozzle Pro
- Elastic Stress Analysis using SolidWorks Simulation Finite Element Software
- Design of internal structural components
- Lifting & Tailing Lug calculations
- 3D Printed Scale Models for improved communication on projects with complex geometries

Design Software
- Compress (ASME Code Vessles & Jackets)
- Innovative Tank Solutions (API Storage Tanks)
- Nozzle Pro
- SolidWorks
- SolidWorks Simulation
- AutoCAD
- MathCAD