Tested, Certified, & Exceeding Expectations
With over 40 years of ASME Code vessel experience, our personnel strive to ensure that every product is designed and fabricated to exacting standards and highest possible quality. Every step of the fabrication process, from engineering to final documentation, is tailored to ensure your products meet or exceed your specifications and the requirements of the ASME Code.
Since 1976… building columns, towers, drums, tanks, pipe spools, flares, and other custom products. If it’s metal and you can dream it, we can build it.
Fabricon International, Inc. is a proud holder of ASME U, ASME U2, ASME R & National Board of Boiler and pressure Vessel Stamps, enabling us to provide a range of services to ASME code compliance.
ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It was formed in 1880 and issued its first standard, “Code for the Conduct of Trials of Steam Boilers”, in 1884. The first edition of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) was published in 1915 and was 114 pages long, the latest BPVC is now over 16,000 pages long and is the largest standard in the world.
Holders of stamps are able to mark vessels proving that they comply with all the relevant code requirements.

Over 100 countries globally accept the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or ASME BPVC to meet government safety rules and regulations. The ASME U Stamp is an indication that the pressure vessels adhere to ASME’s guidelines including design, fabrication, inspection, and testing. It is used for the certification and acceptance of pressure vessels. Seeing the “U” symbol on a product ensures that it meets the latest edition of the Code. It also affirms that the vessel is designed and manufactured according to the standards of ASME. U2 Stamps are designated for Pressure vessels (Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels).

The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors offers the R symbol stamp for the alteration and/or repair of pressure vessels, boilers, and other pressure-retaining items after subjecting the organization to an onsite review. Based on the jurisdictional requirements, the inspection may be handled by a member of the National Board or a representative.

The NB mark is used by manufacturers to identify items registered (see Registration) with the National Board. It is also used by pressure relief device manufacturers and assemblers to identify pressure relief devices that have been certified by the National Board in accordance with NB-501, National Board Certification of Pressure Relief Devices.

ASNT certification has been the standard for the nondestructive testing industry. For employers, ASNT certification is an impartial validation of the competence of NDT personnel in the field. There are four ASNT certification programs currently available: ASNT NDT Level III, ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP), ASNT NDT Level II, and Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP).

ASNT certification has been the standard for the nondestructive testing industry. For employers, ASNT certification is an impartial validation of the competence of NDT personnel in the field. There are four ASNT certification programs currently available: ASNT NDT Level III, ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP), ASNT NDT Level II, and Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP).